名单公开 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 喜剧片 英国 2014

导演: 刘诗诗   


  24岁的波士顿大学医学院学生马可夫(Philip Markoff)利用Craigslist广告, 欺骗从事**交易的女子上勾,然后在旅馆中抢劫她们, 甚至残忍的谋杀她们。媒体叫他Craigslist网站杀手, 一连串的案件令警方及社会陷入深深的不安…
  “The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) conducted online while preparing for a promising future as a doctor and a life of happiness with his fiancée, Megan McAllister (Agnes Bruckner). Seemingly destined for greatness as one of Boston University’s brightest med students, Markoff could do no wrong in the eyes of Megan, his friends, fellow students and professors. But hidden from those close to him was the violent wrath only he and his victims knew — beginning with his alleged April 14, 2009, first-degree murder of a masseuse who advertised her services on Craigslist. When police discover that the brutal killing and a number of other attacks on women were all connected to advertisements placed on Craigslist, their investigation ultimately leads them to Markoff. William Baldwin portrays the lead detective investigating the case.
  Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) had it all. A straight-A medical student with a beautiful fianc閑 (Agnes Bruckner), Philip had a future others could only envy. But when a masseuse is murdered by a man she meets through an ad she placed on Craigslist, the clues point directly toward Philip, whom the police accuse of leading a secret life where he preys upon young women. William Baldwin costars in this shocking tale of deception and lies, based on the true story that stunned a nation.


  • 倩月 4小时前 :


  • 卫芳 2小时前 :

    美国价值书写的神话故事⛰️ 总体来说挺好玩

  • 卫昱臻 8小时前 :

    舞台剧 适合一口气看完,服化道具细节 情感氛围演绎到位

  • 卫彩宇 1小时前 :


  • 仲素昕 4小时前 :

    好看的 是非常美式的音乐剧 美国人就很适合拍这种题材 机长姐姐的歌好棒 那个埃及大厨好逗 通过圣经交流的剧情一看就是来源于真实 非常感人

  • 少代巧 1小时前 :


  • 兴雅韶 3小时前 :


  • 佛元冬 1小时前 :


  • 全山菡 9小时前 :

    还用说什么吗 能看到官摄这不太幸福了吗 喜欢以前的经典都能出个官摄

  • 卫康 1小时前 :

    Pr:911事件禁飞后一个偏僻的小岛和小镇热情大方地接待帮助被滞留旅客。小镇人口突然翻倍造成的资源紧张和不同文化的人种没有激发矛盾和不满,反而是大家互相鼓励共度难关。人类在大灾难面前展现出的强大的共情能力、互相照顾、无私善意,人性中最美好的部分在恶劣的环境中更加凸显的闪闪发光。“who am I if I don’t feel like the me from yesterday” “somewhere in the middle of nowhere you’ll find your heart and left a part of you behind”“We honor what was lost, but we also commemorate what we found”

  • 7小时前 :

    放在broadway里,实在是比较平庸的剧,不是很理解为什么是must see级别,应该是大部分美国人能对故事背景共情?典型的美式煽情和笑点,除了音乐和演员唱功比较有印象,其他看完真的有想退票的冲动。

  • 康子骞 4小时前 :

    9·11二十周年&疫情时的官摄意义非凡。演员们魅力四射,编排和演唱数度让人感到激动与兴奋。“Be anxious for nothing拥抱不同,能够真诚地相信爱,付出爱。”当下的人类,无比需要这样的作品来激励并唤醒人性中的善良和爱。

  • 寇谷芹 0小时前 :


  • 尧睿明 3小时前 :


  • 堵子明 6小时前 :

    But we also commemorate what we found.

  • 婷香 7小时前 :

    舞台剧 适合一口气看完,服化道具细节 情感氛围演绎到位

  • 延正志 7小时前 :

    他说他是岛民!I'm an Islander. I am an Islander~很优秀的音乐剧了

  • 定水蓝 2小时前 :


  • 子车德曜 7小时前 :


  • 姬慧心 2小时前 :



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