天猫超级品牌日是什么 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 2002

导演: BBC


  Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands - how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out how some of the most powerful companies in the world really make their billions.
  E1 technology
  Alex takes a closer look at some of the most powerful technology brands in the world - including Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia, Facebook, and Google - how have they become so central to our lives and how do they plan to stay ahead of the game? He finds out why Microsoft now have to spend billions of dollars every year on development to score a hit product and why games console companies are willing to lose billions to get their product in your living room. He discovers how technology format wars are being determined with the help of the porn industry and how Apple has literally become a new religion.
  E2 fashion
  Fashion novice Alex Riley dives into the world of clothing superbrands to find out how these billion dollar global organisations have invaded our wardrobes and our minds. When he discovers that designer handbags are so desirable that some women will pay 100 pounds a month just to rent one, he's determined to have their heads examined to find out why.
  E3 food
  Alex Riley is on the trail of the global food and drink giants. What's so special about them? How have they penetrated our brains so we recognise them like members of our own families? Alex travels the globe to find where they've come from and how they make us keep on buying them.


  • 连沛珊 8小时前 :

    亲亲AA和Moore 男主怎么看也不像是高中生啊

  • 臧清妍 3小时前 :


  • 骏辰 9小时前 :

    有些情节过于拖沓了 a太那个角色的刻画也感觉不太合适。kaya的演技真的恐怖如斯 太有触动力了 最佳女配实至名归

  • 英清逸 5小时前 :

    拍的一般,但抱着死政策做事的人 真的 也很讨厌

  • 法思洁 6小时前 :


  • 茜梅 5小时前 :

    我觉得电影还行啊,不知道评论为什么会这么苛刻,我觉得歌比我今年看过的歌舞片里的歌都好听,Ben Platt演得也挺好,Amandla Stenberg的角色也让人眼前一亮,更能让我这种“程度”的人感到认同。

  • 马易真 7小时前 :

    震災後各种悲剧各种无奈。日本人不喜欢麻烦国家。 体制里的人被蹂躏,体制外被qj、 现在的处境类似 此时无声胜有声。

  • 晏秀妮 4小时前 :

    电影版编曲太奇怪了,waving through a waving完全没有听专辑的震撼。Even的妆发太老气了,完全无法入戏高中生。但文本改编出了每个角色矛盾的破碎,虚假的真诚,很厉害。还是好想看现场!

  • 陶舒怀 7小时前 :


  • 韦鹤梦 0小时前 :

    「Lift your head and look around. You will be found.」

  • 采媛 7小时前 :


  • 良辰 5小时前 :


  • 辉音华 3小时前 :


  • 永芷荷 8小时前 :

    真的不如出官摄,waving through the window比起舞台效果差太多了

  • 霞初 0小时前 :

    气氛压抑的一部电影 当然也很符合背景下生活 人死后并不是一切都结束了 还有人会继续承载着伤痛 期许 意志.... 以及“欢迎回来”

  • 锦涵 9小时前 :

    Evan Hansen竟然不是基,我有太多音乐剧要补了!还是没搞懂他们唱歌的时候,电影里旁边的人也和我一样看到他们在唱吗?三个从booksmart认识的妹子都在今年看到了她们的作品,可以说是新生代中流砥柱了。妈咪AA唱歌,我梦回enchanted。

  • 洪宏才 2小时前 :

    看了豆瓣有个心理预期,结果比想象中好很多啊。我觉得是合格的电影版(虽然开场的waving through a window很出戏)电影版的表演会更加细腻,get到了很多之前没有get的歌(大爱for forever和sincerely me)you will be found搞得我在课上差点哭出来。其实一直比较膈应zoe和evan这对cp,在if i can tell her的时候没亲简直太好了。anonymous ones真的很应景超爱!!朱莉亚摩尔唱歌真的我惊了🆘 个人很满意电影版🥰(如果能把每首歌切入的地方优化一下就好了,感觉音乐剧电影每首歌还是一开始娓娓道来的好)

  • 晏春英 6小时前 :

    ost+本本就足够加分了 虽然好多迷惑操作 但几个段落很惊喜 Sincerely me里面的运镜 好欢乐 For forever里走到Evan面前的脚 还有结尾Connor弹唱的衔接 真的好棒 个人更喜欢这个结尾 啊 真希望能有一个完美的DEH留下来 可以dream出一个舞台官摄吗。

  • 阚建修 8小时前 :


  • 雍清涵 1小时前 :



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